We are looking for talented people
As gathering data will be your job, you will become sooner or later an expert in working with Excel. A valuable skill that qualifies you for your future.
As being a part of our data team, you will provide the data, others in our company will sell. Without your work, the company would stand still, because you are the kerosine of ch-aviation.
As an avgeek a position in our data team will suit you best. Every day you will get paid for researching information all around aviation. A dream comes true for many people.
In order for us to determine if you are the right fit for our data team, we would like you to go through our recruitment process. You will need to submit your CV and a Cover Letter, then you will go through an assessment, after which you will be evaluated and, hopefully, invited to two interviews. Some of the steps may vary, but we'll inform you directly if anything changes. We sincerely want to give you the opportunity to present yourself in your best light and get to know you better.
In addition to the CV we want you to write a cover letter explaining why you want to work for us, why you think it’s fascinating working in the aviation industry and why you think it’s interesting being a part of our data team. If you are already an avgeek you can tell us that in your cover letter. If you are completely new to aviation then don’t worry, you will be loving it as soon as you start with us😊.
You will have to go through an assessment because we want want to test your skills mostly in excel, as well as your ability to write in English. The assessment will last two hours and will be done remotely.
In the first interview, we want to get to know you better in order to know how you would fit into the data team. Make sure you know how to describe the core business of ch-aviation in your own words. It will last around thirty minutes and will be done remotely.
This interview, unlike the first one, will be more focused on the competencies needed for your position in our airlines team and will last one hour. We will give you possible scenarios which could occur in your future job to see how you would approach it. It will last around an hour and is usually done in person at our Zagreb office.